Free Flight Airplanes Paper Airplanes

Sting Ray Paper Airplane

paper plane, the Sting Ray

The long tail and smooth stealthy glide of the sting ray paper airplane makes this plane a blast to fly.

The sting ray has a bunch of steps and can be a bit tricky check out the images below for help.

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This is a difficult paper airplane here are a few helpful pointers.

  • This is a difficult paper plane to fold.
  • Most of the viewing of the folding will be looking at the white side of the paper
  • Steps 1, 14 and 15 involve cuts
  • a bunch of the folds are creases
    • on the first number fold then unfold
    • on the second number leave the fold
  • fold 4 and 9 require multiple folds to happen at simultaneously
  • the tail is optional and tapes into the body, the paper plane flies well without the tail but it adds a cool feature

Pictures of the folding to help you get it folded, especially the tricky folds,

I hope you have fun with this plane and please share it with your friends.

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